Although cremation dates back to ancient times, it has only recently become a more common choice of disposition. People choose cremation for a variety of reasons. Some do so based on environmental considerations. Others have philosophical or religious reasons. Still others choose cremation because they feel it is simpler and less complicated.
Picture of Cremation ObservanceThe greatest misunderstanding about cremation is the belief that with cremation, there is no need for services. However, a service or memorial ceremony is an important step in helping the bereaved overcome their grief, and offers family and friends the opportunity to honor a loved one. Services or ceremonies can precede or follow the actual cremation. Prior to cremation, there may be a gathering, which can be either public or private, with an open or closed casket. When the service follows the cremation, a receptacle (urn) containing the cremated remains may take a prominence. Following the ceremony, the final disposition of the cremated remains takes place.
Cremation Containers
Cremation containers are available in a wide variety of styles and prices. When a service has been scheduled, some prefer the design and ornamentation of traditional caskets. However, cremation caskets, and alternative containers are available. The Funeral Home can provide you a list of traditional, and cremation caskets, along with alternative containers.
The selection of the urn is very important since the urn provides both a protective and dignified receptacle for the cremated remains. It can become an important focal point at a memorial service, and can serve as a permanent memorial to the deceased. Permanent urns are crafted from various materials in a wide range of prices. For more information you may contact the Funeral Home to speak with one our licensed directors or simply to receive a Consumers Guide to Cremation Choices, and pricing options.